
No knockout punch

There’s this little intellectual quirk of logic that seems to bedevil many people who give serious thought to the relative merits of both active and passive approaches to investment management. As has been noted previously, both sides have some degree of validity and neither side has (to date, at least) managed to score a “knockout […]

By John De Goey |February 1, 2009

3 min read

Get fit

The impending talent shortage is no secret, but few executives know what to do about it. The days of traditional recruiting are over; and the coming tug-of-war is winnable only through an attitude adjustment. If your M.O. is to start with the résumé, think again. The secret to successful hiring doesn’t lie in university degrees. […]

By Tim Brennan and Helena Smeenk Pritchard |February 1, 2009

3 min read

The new normal

We’re deep in the woods, and many crystal ball polishers are pining for old times. The most daring are calling for a return to happy days by the end of this year. But those ball gazers are just looking for the next bubble, so they’re best ignored. Anyone predicating a business model on consumer spending […]

By Philip Porado |February 1, 2009

2 min read

To Clients/Prospects: The 2009 federal budget and your financial plan

Show clients that you are proactive by sending them this customizable letter about the Federal Budget. Dear [Client/Prospect name], As you know, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty delivered his federal budget on Tuesday in Ottawa. This budget has a few items that could affect your financial plan and present additional opportunities. In case you haven’t had […]

By Staff |January 27, 2009

2 min read