
Taking an advice-first approach

Advisors have had brutal experiences in the marketplace, especially over the last six months. Some clients are more proactive than others when it comes to asking for advice about their portfolios. I often hear questions like, In light of the losses that I’ve taken do you think that I will still be able to retire […]

By John Page |March 2, 2009

4 min read

A new era

The year 2008 won’t be fondly remembered— it was a cruel year that hobbled the global economy and brought governments to their knees. And it gives me no great pleasure to inform you challenging times are here to stay. Our comfortable world crashed quickly and there’s no road map for getting back to the days […]

By Mark Halpern |March 1, 2009

3 min read

The quest

Prepare for the unexpected. That’s the lesson I grudgingly learned six years ago when my father succumbed to cancer. We had four days from firm diagnosis to his passing. It wasn’t enough time to say goodbye, let alone sort out an entire life. Thankfully my father, a project manager in the oil and gas industry […]

By Romana King |March 1, 2009

13 min read

Shine a light

Sometimes, you have to set an example; display some solidarity; share the pain. Which is why it was gratifying to see many high-level Canadian financial services executives recently forgo their bonuses or other compensation, and do so publicly. Naturally, the cynic in me sees it as a publicity stunt. But, even still, it was the […]

By Philip Porado |March 1, 2009

2 min read