
To Clients: Tax changes and free money

It’s that time of year again. Even if you’ve talked about tax savings strategies with your clients throughout the year, send them this letter to review the rules and opportunities they can take advantage of when they file their return this spring. Dear [Client’s name], You’ve probably heard all about tax-free savings accounts by now. […]

By Staff |January 14, 2009

3 min read

How to coach clients

It’s amazing what you can learn from sitting down and talking to people; and we consider ourselves fortunate to be able to speak at length with top advisors across Canada. In these Final Words, we share some of their insights into client service, and how advisor/client relationships have evolved over the years. Planning “A decade […]

By Staff |January 12, 2009

3 min read

Marketing: Hit them with real information

The purpose of marketing to clients and prospects is to get their immediate attention. So many financial advisors, though, keep telling me how difficult it is to market these days. Why is that? I suggest that most are benchmarking their current results against the result of marketing efforts they made back in the early- to […]

By Shawn O'Brien |January 9, 2009

5 min read

A strong start for 2009

Now is the time to create a strong start for the year by creating a strong vision for 2009. This gives your business plan a foundation, allowing you to set goals you can use to reward yourself during your journey into the new year. Without a vision and business plan, stress and exhaustion seep in, […]

By Simon Reilly |January 2, 2009

4 min read