
The royal pain (a case study, part 1)

Liz and Phil Royal are a typical Canadian entrepreneurial couple: Close to retirement, oodles of retained earnings and no coherent plan for retirement. They are the prototypical case offered to the 100 registered financial planners who gathered for the sixth annual Institute of Advanced Financial Planners (IAFP) conference in September in Regina. To understand some […]

By Romana King |December 12, 2008

10 min read

Custom planning

They come to Canada with jumbo dreams—bigger homes, better education, improved lifestyles for their kids, and ample dough. Gradually, reality dribbles in—steep real estate prices, soaring education costs, complex estate planning issues, and stringent tax laws. For some the dream turns nightmarish when they stumble upon a financial regime irreconcilably different from the one they […]

By Kanupriya Vashisht |December 12, 2008

9 min read

Cultured finance

All people, regardless of background, upbringing, culture or life experience, have very similar planning needs if they live in this country—make money, save money, perhaps put the kids through school, hopefully save enough to fund a good retirement and do it all in a way that’ll minimize taxes. With that in mind it seems like […]

By Kate McCaffery |December 12, 2008

10 min read

SPIVA Las Vegas

The debate between the relative merits of active and passive strategies has waged for some time now. Often, it is waged with journalists and academics taking the passive side and advisors taking the active side. Now, as pretty much everyone knows, neither side has been able to score an unchallenged victory. Given that this is […]

By John De Goey |December 12, 2008

3 min read