
What’s your CPH?

The financial services industry is one of the best places to work. We have the freedom to earn as much or as little as we want to. The freedom to work as many or as few hours as we wish. It also gives us the freedom to deal with the types of clients we want […]

By Robert Abboud |June 28, 2010

3 min read

Good debt versus bad debt

How do you approach your clients so they aren’t afraid of leveraging? Can you simply explain the concepts we are taught? Here are some of the ways I clarify the concept of good debt versus bad debt. As I work with my clients, whether they are business owners or employees, I always try to teach […]

By Sue Ricketts |June 21, 2010

4 min read

Lessons learned from privacy violations

A Summons to Witness can be considered a subpoena in certain circumstances for the purposes of paragraph 7(3)(c) of the Act. Three cases in the last two years emanating from the Office of the Privacy Commission of Canada remind us that when it comes to complying with privacy requirements, it’s not enough to simply post […]

By Stephanie A. McManus, LL. B. |June 17, 2010

5 min read

Ditch the pitch

During my first year in the business a wholesaler at an insurance firm told me the key to success would be to get 20 meetings a week. Although 90% would say no, 10% would become clients. That’s the way it was at the time. A few years later, I took in a presentation on ‘How […]

By Mathieu Paradis |June 14, 2010

3 min read