
Tech every advisor needs – Part 1

There are a few pieces of technology I just can’t live without when conducting business – and surprisingly a Blackberry doesn’t make the list. These seven pieces of technology have changed how we do business so significantly that we can’t live without them. Each bit of technology has already paid for itself many times over. […]

By Mathieu Paradis |August 24, 2010

4 min read

Of horses and regulators

Isn’t it interesting how some of the best life lessons we can ever learn come from animals? Ok, I’m a bit fanatical about animals and my bond with horses in particular is one of the great sustaining truths in my life but the analogies between training a horse and dealing with a regulator are really […]

By Stephanie A. McManus |August 19, 2010

4 min read

Gift giving: The thought, timing matters

Sure, advisors take care of financial matters for their clients but there’s a personal side to the advisory business that should be nurtured as seriously and conscientiously as any investment portfolio. Fostering a deeper connection between broker and client creates a sense of interpersonal obligation that has become essential to client retention. Most advisors already […]

By Laura Curtis Ferrera |August 16, 2010

3 min read

Retiring before your mortgage

What do you do when your client enters retirement with a mortgage or other debt? It happens all the time. In fact, the stats show us that 40% of Canadians are retiring with debt and some are even accruing debt in retirement. At this point it’s too late to avoid retiring with debt, so what […]

By Stephanie Holmes-Winton |August 11, 2010

6 min read