
The value of financial-planning services

Recent economic woes and job uncertainties have led to increased interest among many Canadians, including the baby boomers, in their financial health. But although the media is rampant with discussions on financial planning, there are still very few individuals who have the confidence and security of an understandable plan that addresses their financial and other life goals.

By Douglas Lamb |October 1, 2010

5 min read

Listen before you leap into social media

Everywhere you turn these days, people are talking about social media, and rightly so. Social media tools are maturing, demographics are changing and the way that people network and build reputation is evolving. Should you set up a Facebook page? Should you Twitter? What about blogging? What would you blog about? How much time is […]

By Jay Palter |September 24, 2010

2 min read

Tech every advisor needs – Part 2

In Part 1 we covered three pieces of technology that have paid for themselves several times over. Here are four more that have also had such a big impact on our practice that we just can’t live without them. 4. OneNote ($100 – or included with some versions of MS Office) Sometimes you just want […]

By Mathieu Paradis |September 21, 2010

6 min read

People are more persistent than mutual funds

Tell me if you’ve ever come across this statement before: Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. This is, I’m sure you’ll agree, the standard […]

By John J. De Goey |September 15, 2010

3 min read