
Applause for Steadyhand

Many people have approached me in the past suggesting that I am unduly critical of active products and strategies. Perhaps not too surprisingly, I counter that perhaps it is THEY who are unduly critical of passive products and strategies. I wouldn’t mind active strategies at all if they were as cheap, pure, broadly diversified and […]

By John J. De Goey |April 1, 2010

3 min read

EMDs must protect the process

For many exempt market dealers (EMDs), especially those never registered before, there are a host of unfamiliar obligations that must be met, many of which are straightforward and administrative in nature (in many cases, third-party service providers offer cost-effective means of addressing many of these tasks). Other tasks and obligations, such as suitability assessment and […]

By Richard E. Austin |April 1, 2010

3 min read

Defining fiduciary duty

A recent meeting of industry minds at York University explored the idea of imposing a fiduciary duty upon financial advisors. Noting many other professions, including doctors and lawyers, require that standard, the gathering was meant to get the attention of regulators and lead to creation of commensurate rules. According to one advisor in attendance, the […]

By Philip Porado |April 1, 2010

3 min read

Bull markets ruin good planning

A client of mine sells security systems. Whenever he has potential customers call him about buying a home alarm, he asks them when they were robbed. He knows most people take home security seriously after they’ve had a break-in. Human nature is like that. We only prepare for risks after they’ve hit close to home. […]

By Harper Fraze |April 1, 2010

4 min read