News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
Planning and Advice
(June 2005) Most of your clients will take the time to shop around for their mortgages — looking for the best interest rates and terms. But did they do the same for their mortgage insurance, or simply accept the coverage offered by their lender? Let your clients know that in many cases you can provide […]
By Staff |June 13, 2005
3 min read
(June 2005) Most advisors now are aware, at least, that privacy and the way they collect and protect personal client information is covered by legislation like the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Those who understand the rules however say there are still quite a few inconsistencies and “holes you could drive a […]
By Kate McCaffery |June 3, 2005
2 min read
(May 2005) Elite advisors know what they’re good at, and then strive to focus on those core competencies while outsourcing tasks they don’t perform as effectively. They leverage their talents and expertise by partnering with financial institutions that support them so they can fully focus on providing worldclass service to affluent clients. That trait, more […]
By John J. Bowen Jr. |May 26, 2005
There’s one sector that is particularly integral to the health of world economies, industries and capital markets – it’s the financial sector. As a major source of business financing, it is a key driver of corporate and economic growth; as a major part of the broader market, its performance can potentially do some serious harm […]
By Staff |May 24, 2005
(May 2005) Almost every day advisors are faced with conflicts of interest. But frequently they don’t identify the conflict before a regulator or client discovers it. At that point it’s too late. Conflicts of interest come in many shapes and sizes, so it’s impossible to have a system that identifies each one as it arises. […]
By Ellen Bessner |May 10, 2005
Wealth management can be an emotional process. And many times, the more wealth there is to manage, the more intense those emotions can be. Just because your HNW clients have substantial net worth doesn’t mean they’re immune to fear, greed, pride or other emotions that can sabotage sound wealth management decisions. If you want to […]
By Thane Stenner |May 10, 2005
4 min read
(May 2005) Last year, Canadian undergraduate students paid an average of $4,172 a year in tuition fees. Some professional programs charge significantly higher amounts than that; first-year tuition for a law student at the University of Toronto is currently set at $16,000. Add in books, food and housing costs and you could be looking at […]
By Staff |May 9, 2005
Jim Rogers, chair of Vancouver-based Rogers Group Financial and an Advisor’s Edge Career Achievement Award honouree, uses a meeting guide in preparation for and during meetings with clients. It allows him to set down his objectives, make sure he has any relevant support material needed for the meeting and make notes—all in one document. [Your […]
By Staff |April 12, 2005
As a financial advisor, the best possible use of your valuable time is meeting with clients and prospective clients. But are you getting the most out of these meetings? Top advisor Jim Rogers, chair of Vancouver-based Rogers Group Financial and an Advisor’s Edge Career Achievement Award honouree, shares some of the tips and procedures he […]
By Opal Patel |April 12, 2005
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