News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
Planning and Advice
(July 2005) According to a report released by the Social Investment Organization earlier this year, the number of assets managed under “socially responsible” guidelines has grown by 27% over the last two years to $65.5 billion. With more Canadians choosing to put their money with their morals, it’s a good idea to take some time […]
By Staff |July 18, 2005
3 min read
(July 2005) If I make my living selling mutual funds and investment products does that mean I’m in the funds business? Or am I really in the people business? If the market drops, do I need to figure out why? Or should I instead get on the phone to my clients, reassure them, find out […]
By David Christianson |July 18, 2005
6 min read
(July 2005) Now in its seventh year, the Advisor of the Year Awards is one of the few tangible measures of success for financial advisors in Canada. Open to all advisors across the country who provide financial advice to clients as part of their services, participants are asked to demonstrate their excellence by submitting a […]
By Staff |July 7, 2005
1 min read
(July 2005) Philanthropy is big in Canada. How big? According to a recently published survey by Imagine Canada and Johns Hopkins University, the non-profit and voluntary sector in this country accounts for 6.8% of GDP. Much of this economic activity can be traced back to the charitable bequests of high-net-worth (HNW) Canadians. In fact, according […]
By Thane Stenner |July 7, 2005
4 min read
Examine this case study
By Barry LaValley |July 6, 2005
(June 2005) The Canadian Institute for Financial Planners (CIFPs) has used its national convention to unveil its Financial Planners Practice Guide, a 400-plus page best practices manual aimed at keeping its members in compliance with the standards set out by the Financial Planners Standards Council (FPSC). "We’ve tried with this initial version to cover all […]
By Steven Lamb |June 28, 2005
Editor’s note: This article is from 2005. Visit for the latest continuing education credits from Advisor’s Edge. If you have a designation or belong to an industry association chances are you’re required to earn a number of continuing education credits. If you haven’t already met your CE requirements for this year there is no […]
By Staff |June 28, 2005
(June 2005) Referrals are the lifeblood of the successful financial practice. A steady stream of referrals is an indicator of success and client satisfaction. On the other hand, sporadic referrals are an indicator of business stagnation, and sometimes even contraction. Securing a steady stream of referrals must be a top priority. But how do you […]
By Jeff Thorsteinson |June 23, 2005
There’s no other way to say it – and we know we’ll sound like Paris Hilton in making this statement – but computer storage & peripheral stocks are so hot. There, we said it. It’s true, though. In 2004, this sub-sector easily outpaced broader markets. And so far, it looks like 2005 will be a […]
By Staff |June 22, 2005
2 min read
(June 2005) Attracting new clients comes with plenty of options. There are so many, in fact, your real challenge will be to sort through the marketing techniques that don’t work and zero in on the most effective handful. Consider the three major channels for marketing to prospects: • Mass marketing, which relies on things like […]
By John J. Bowen Jr. |June 14, 2005
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