
Keep elderly clients in mind

I’ve been doing retirement planning for the last 25 years. I started off as an insurance agent and am old enough to remember when there was no such thing as a retirement industry. In 1985, specializing in retirement planning and all the issues related to seniors was decidedly un-sexy. In fact, some of the people […]

By Ken McNaughton |December 1, 2009

5 min read

How to cope with challenging clients

Imagine a client showing up in your office and saying: “You lost us all this money. I regret everything I’ve done with you.” Well, that’s exactly what happened to financial planner Betty-Anne M. Howard. “I was devastated,” she says. “Completely floored.” Betty-Anne fought the urge to argue. She stopped, drew a breath and said, “I’m […]

By Mariellen Ward |December 1, 2009

6 min read

Celebrating Advice: The advisor evolved

Keith Costello, president and CEO of the Canadian Institute of Financial Planners Keith Costello, president and CEO of the Canadian Institute of Financial Planners Tony Mahabir, financial advisor, Canfin Financial Group Naguib S. Kerba, branch manager, Investment Planning Counsel Janet Freedman, president, Finance Matters Ltd. William D. Jack, Independent retirement advisor, Longhurst and Jack Q1. […]

December 1, 2009

10 min read

Stress your value when talking to clients

Participants at this year’s Dollars & Sense roundtable discussion say data from the investor survey contains clues to how advisors can better convey their value propositions to clients. The fact investors ranked “A periodic/annual review of my plans or accounts” as their primary need from an advisor indicates too much focus is being put on […]

December 1, 2009

5 min read