
Options for acquisition growth

Frequently, when a person looks to sell a business, the first person he or she asks for tips is an insurance or financial advisor. The problem is, these professionals usually aren’t equipped to provide this kind of advice or service because they most simply don’t know enough about the state of the private equity market. […]

By Mark Borkowski |November 1, 2009

4 min read

Product allocation is more important than ever

Advisors looking to demonstrate the value of advice to clients can now point to retirement income planning. Groundbreaking work, done by Canadian personal finance expert Moshe Milevsky, is changing the way portfolio creators are conceptualizing boomer retirement and creating a lucrative new income stream for competent advisors. Milevsky, professor of finance at York University, in […]

By Mark Noble |November 1, 2009

6 min read

Maximizing client meetings

I’ve been in the financial industry in some shape or form for close to 20 years. I’ve won customer service awards, but some days, I still have to ask myself this question: What do clients really want? There are lots of gurus telling us how to run our businesses; giving us strategies to help it […]

By Janine Purves |November 1, 2009

5 min read

Explore retirement income generation options

As the baby boomer generation has aged, the ever-shifting forces of demographics have begun to push the financial industry from one focused on wealth building and accumulation to one that will concentrate on distribution and income generation. The signs of this are inescapable to anyone who has been paying attention. While 10 years ago, the […]

By Jason M. Pereira |November 1, 2009

6 min read