
Knowing what your clients want

Knowing what clients want is the key to unlocking more successful relationships and building a stronger financial planning practice. The trouble is, chasing client desires through different market environments can make the most seasoned advisor’s head spin. After all, in the middle of a bull market, how many of your clients are looking for security? […]

By Alison MacAlpine |December 21, 2009

12 min read

Flat fee or minimum assets — that is the question

When I left my position at one of the banks to set up my own practice many years ago, I ran some numbers to determine the true cost of keeping and servicing a client. I had always envisioned a practice as described by the master, Nick Murray: working with just 100-200 households that want financial […]

By Robert Abboud |December 18, 2009

4 min read

Get used to busybody clients

As the economy recovers, one challenge will be to keep client greed under control, and work through the process of how best to collaborate on investment decisions. “You’re always going to have a client that heard or saw something on TV,” says Rob Kelland, CIM, FCSI, Portfolio Manager, Director Wealth Management for ScotiaMcLeod, “But the […]

By Philip Porado |December 17, 2009

2 min read

Additional services bring advisors more business

Advisors must do a better job of making clients aware of ancillary services they can provide – especially tax planning and preparation – either within their own offices or through affiliates, say participants at our 2009 Dollars & Sense roundtable discussion. James R. Taylor, CLU, Financial Health Management, Toronto, noted 47% of advisors responding they […]

By Kanupriya Vashisht |December 17, 2009

2 min read