
Debt survey says: WAKE UP!!!

Last month I received an email from Steven Lamb of asking if I’d make a few comments on a survey conducted by RBC. You may have read the article based on the findings of that research. I love interesting findings. Especially surveys that discover curious patterns about what we and our clients think will […]

By Stephanie Holmes-Winton |March 23, 2010

4 min read

Tying the Knot: Growth by merger

Meet for coffee, date, get hitched. The milestones of a successful personal relationship can also be applied to the merger of a business. As a lucky participant in a so-far successful merger of two financial planning practices, here’s what else I’ve learned: Know these things before you sit down to negotiate your partnership, otherwise you […]

By Kathleen Peace |March 19, 2010

2 min read

Shaping your brand

It’s proven that marketing is a leading indicator of success in terms of asset gathering, which in turn leads to increased revenue. And I truly believe marketing is particularly important (and potentially easier) during uncertain markets, when investors are skittish about heavy-handed sales techniques and investing in general. The one mistake I made years ago […]

By Laura Curtis Ferrera |March 16, 2010

7 min read

Shaping your brand

It’s proven that marketing is a leading indicator of success in terms of asset gathering, which in turn leads to increased revenue. And I truly believe marketing is particularly important (and potentially easier) during uncertain markets, when investors are skittish about heavy-handed sales techniques and investing in general. The one mistake I made years ago […]

By Laura Curtis Ferrera |March 15, 2010

7 min read