
The compromised client

Jack often talks about his stepdaughter. In the Richmond Hill, Ontario, long-term care facility where he lives, residents often chat about their families, but Jack’s repetitive stories focus on his suspicions—he thinks his stepdaughter is slowly withdrawing his money from their joint bank account. Familiar with his accusations, his nurses chalk the tales up to […]

By Sheila Avari |November 15, 2010

5 min read

Growing with a fee-based model

During the fee debate on, one of the comments made was that it was impossible to grow a business without DSC commission. DSC and fee-based commissions are both viable models, however, in the end, I chose to grow my book without ever charging a DSC. The only way I survived those first lean years […]

By Mathieu Paradis |November 10, 2010

4 min read

Surviving the digital age

The digital age is full of possibilities and pitfalls. If you don’t adapt and keep up with the changes, you and your business could get left behind. Aquaint yourself with the tech news, information and the tools which will give you the edge over the competition. Social Media Follow the money, embrace social media By […]

By Staff |November 4, 2010

3 min read

Seven steps to social media engagement

Social media tools and technology are rapidly emerging as essential places for trusted advisors and practice professionals to build their reputation and expand their business networks. With the dizzying array of tools and sites out there, it can be difficult to know where to start or what to do after you start. With this in […]

By Jay Palter |November 2, 2010

3 min read