
Work ON your practice, not just IN it

One of the biggest challenges we see as coaches, is that financial advisors are so busy working IN their business that they don’t have any time to work ON their business. Responding to clients, dealing with staff issues, compliance, paperwork and “putting out fires” consumes most of the day. There is little time left to work on long term planning which will improve your practice, grow revenues and reduce stress.

By April-Lynn Levitt |December 6, 2011

4 min read

Making sense of the “alphabet soup”

Canada’s advice credentials landscape, with its diverse mix of designations and organizations that provide them, has been criticized for its complexity. Some industry experts see the “alphabet soup” as a barrier to understanding the role and value of financial advice credentials.

By Dr. Roberta Wilton |December 6, 2011

7 min read

The Place of ETFs in Portfolio Allocation and Diversification

Asset allocation is the strategy investors follow to divide their money between different assets like stocks, bonds and cash. The underlying principle is that prices of different assets move in different(uncorrelated) ways, leading to the idea that diversification protects against risk, which is defined as volatility. But asset allocation says little about the investor’s objectives.

December 5, 2011

13 min read

How to build a million-dollar practice

The importance of a client acquisition and effective delegation cannot be overstated, no matter how successful an advisor's business becomes.

By Vikram Barhat |December 5, 2011

3 min read