
Unleashing the power of LinkedIn

LinkedIn is not just a business social network. It's a great way to create your own brand. When it comes to building credibility and increasing visibility of your value proposition, few tools are as effective as LinkedIn Recommendations, a reputation engine that financial advisors can use to boost their profile, attract clients and differentiate themselves from peers.

By Vikram Barhat |November 10, 2011

4 min read

Besting online sites, discount brokerages

Investment and insurance products are now commodities. If we try to compete on cost we will lose because there will always be a cheaper alternative. However, we can compete on another level that an online site or brokerage cannot – we can compete with personalized advice.

By Mathieu Paradis |November 9, 2011

1 min read

Effective income planning strategies

When people think of income planning, they usually think of retirement. Prior to retirement, Canadians are mainly concerned with paying debt and accumulating retirement assets, so they ignore income-planning opportunities.

By Mike George |November 9, 2011

3 min read

Ipsos: Social essential to business

The Internet has become a dialogue rather than a monologue and advisors had better get in on the conversation, this according to Steve Levy, president, Ipsos Reid – East.

By John Powell |November 8, 2011

3 min read