
CE Course: Lifelong retirement income: the zone strategy

One of the difficult decisions that must be made at the start of retirement is how to create lifelong income for your client

January 23, 2012

15 min read

Decoding client behaviour

Some prospects are too polite to explicitly express lack of interest, and you're stuck chasing dead leads. And while most clients are truthful, some may inadvertently leave out important information during meetings. How can you prevent these types of surprises?

By Dean DiSpalatro |January 23, 2012

7 min read

Two ways to reduce compliance costs

Find out what parts of your practice are unprofitable by using full-cost accounting—that means including compliance costs, which are often overlooked.

By Richard E. Austin |January 19, 2012

2 min read

Web delivers travel insurance commission

As the vast majority of Canadians take their products-and-services search online, businesses are beginning to follow. The financial services industry is waking up to this trend.

By Vikram Barhat |January 16, 2012

2 min read