News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
There is light at the end of the tunnel but the tunnel is long, this according to David Driscoll, vice president and portfolio manager at Seamark Asset Management in Halifax.
By Staff |September 27, 2011
1 min read
While this week had five days to it, investors will only remember what happened during the second half of the week as a number of different markets came under considerable selling pressure.
By Gareth Watson |September 26, 2011
5 min read
The price of gold, and many other commodities backed off as hedge funds engaged in strategic selling.
By Wire services |September 23, 2011
Market Insights
Natural resource stocks and the commodities that underpin them have rewarded investors well for the better part of ten years. The days of easy money may be over.
By Bob Haber |September 22, 2011
Economic Indicators
No surprise: clients aren’t feeling bullish. From May 2002 to May 2011, investors pulled $29 billion from Canadian equity funds, according to Investor Economics.
By Melissa Shin |September 22, 2011
2 min read
Plans announced yesterday by the Federal Reserve to purchase more long-term U.S. debt was translated by worldwide financial markets to mean America’s economic malaise won’t ease any time soon. European markets tanked shortly after opening.
By Staff |September 22, 2011
Canadians can now purchase and hold physical gold bullion, denominated in Canadian dollars, thanks to BMO's Gold Deposit Program launch today.
By Vikram Barhat |September 22, 2011
Global investors are offloading emerging markets assets for more liquid securities. How are you advising clients? capital exoduses since 2008. Deepening fears over global recession and Eurozone debt crisis have hammered emerging stocks, which have fallen 22% since August 1, creating the perfect opportunity for Canadian investors to make a structural shift of portfolio allocations […]
Real estate can do more than keep the rain off your client. It can form a solid foundation in an income portfolio, shelter your client from inflation, and smooth volatility.
By Staff |September 20, 2011
Estate Planning
Holding property jointly has long been called the “poor man’s will”—a way for a person to transfer wealth on death without spending the money to draw up proper documents.
By Barry Corbin |September 20, 2011
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