News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
Economic Indicators
The Financial Times has drawn an intriguing, if disturbing parallel between the collapse of Bear Sterns and Lehman and the news that Franco-Belgian bank Dexia is again receiving state support.
By Staff |October 4, 2011
1 min read
Following last week’s substantial market selloff, investors were on the hunt for some good news heading into the final week of what has been a remarkably miserable quarter. Lacking any significant catalyst, investment markets continue to take their cues from the ebb and flow of the macro headlines and the flurry of economic data releases.
By David Andrews |October 3, 2011
5 min read
Despite economic turbulence and market turmoil, 41% of leading international companies expect to make an acquisition in the next 12 months, according to Ernst & Young's latest Capital confidence barometer, based on a survey of more than 1,000 senior executives around the world.
By Staff |October 3, 2011
2 min read
Your client's finally bought his dream home. Next stop: the art market.
By Vikram Barhat |October 1, 2011
Recently recognized asset class provides social and financial returns - It was only last year the phrase impact investing was first used to distinguish investments intended to create positive impact beyond financial returns from the wider trend of socially responsible investment.
By May Jeong |October 1, 2011
3 min read
Two experts discuss whether this precious metal is a sound investment
By Kanupriya Vashisht |October 1, 2011
7 min read
Generic drug sector holding its own
By Chip Brian |October 1, 2011
Market Insights
Every investor’s risk tolerance seems to drop in winter and people who are prone to seasonal disorders experience a much bigger drop.
By Mark Kamstra |October 1, 2011
It’s been six years since the federal government moved to scrap foreign content limits in registered plans in an effort to open up the market to international investments. Yet Canadians still prefer investing closer to home
By Doug Watt |October 1, 2011
6 min read
How to invest in emerging markets without leaving your home exchange. The foreign investment sphere keeps getting more complicated. What’s a discerning investor to do?
By Raf Brusilow |October 1, 2011
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