News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
As German prime minister Angela Merkel spoke out in defense of the Eurozone’s economic integrity, the Stox Europe index continued to trade near it’s two-year low.
By Staff |September 13, 2011
1 min read
Advisors now face the challenge of reassessing not only their clients’ risk tolerance levels, but also the nature of risk itself, thanks to the downgrade of U.S. debt to below AAA.
By Harper Fraze |September 13, 2011
6 min read
It’s funny that, when markets go awry – when the expected step by step rise is asset values is thwarted – there’s hell to pay. Not by asset managers of course – since they were just doing what everyone else was doing. Nor by investors, who, by the same token, were just following advice.
By Scot Blythe - Canadian Investment Review |September 13, 2011
4 min read
In the years after the ABCP fiasco, the managers of the ACM Commercial Mortgage Fund were able to make some “incredible deals” while their competition was forced to sit on the sidelines.
By Kate McCaffery |September 12, 2011
Market Insights
In the now-iconic scene set in Katz’s Delicatessen in New York City, a woman of some years mischievously asks her waiter to bring her the rye and pastrami sandwich she assumes was responsible for Meg Ryan’s character Sally’s head-turning display of euphoria. Portfolio envy is a lesser-known form of a similar syndrome.
By Mark Yamada |September 12, 2011
3 min read
Horizons Exchange Traded Funds and AlphaPro Management have launched a new series of ETFs designed for distribution through the advisor channel.
By Staff |September 9, 2011
Introducing a new asset class to the mix takes some finesse to avoid overwhelming investors with too many products. It also requires some “know how” to find the right investment.
By Rayann Huang |September 8, 2011
Arrow Capital Management has announced the launch of the Raven Rock Income Fund, advised by an investment team led by Nate Brown, Guy Caplan and Bobby Richardson of Raven Rock Capital LLC.
By Staff |September 8, 2011
Horizons Exchange Traded Funds and its affiliate BetaPro Management have announced a plan to consolidate the units of the Horizons BetaPro COMEX Gold Bullion Bear Plus ETF on a 1 to 4 basis.
With risk rising again to the forefront of investors’ minds, it’s hard not to worry whether retirement assets are as safe as they could—and should—be.
By Raf Brusilow |September 8, 2011
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