News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
On Monday, Invesco celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Trimark Fund. It is a landmark fund—simply surviving three decades makes it stand out in an industry with several thousand offerings, many without a 10-year track record.
By Staff |September 20, 2011
6 min read
BlackRock Asset Management Canada has launched two new exchange traded funds (ETFs) under its iShares brand, with one focused on short-term fixed income and the other on Canadian small caps.
By Staff |September 19, 2011
1 min read
As expected, equity and fixed income markets took their cues from the ebb and flow of news out of Europe this week. The appetite for risk was initially quite weak following Moody’s credit downgrade of two French banks and news that another rogue trader (this time, one at UBS) had lost as much as U$2 billion due to unauthorized trading. Makes you wonder what would have happened had he earned rather than lost the $2 billion? Investor sentiment shifted in decided fashion on reports that China was now in talks with Italy and looking to invest in Italian bonds and other strategic assets.
By David Andrews |September 19, 2011
3 min read
Until now, the growing popularity of exchange traded funds has largely only been a threat to advisors in the MFDA channel, who have limited access to the low-cost alternatives to mutual funds. But a new agreement could threaten IIROC advisors as well, by providing an additional incentive to do-it-yourself investors.
By Bryan Borzykowski |September 16, 2011
2 min read
Just when you thought the ETF market was saturated, a new player rolls out its initial offering.
By Staff |September 16, 2011
Where do you start when you list the problems Japan faces? The country is a demographic nightmare; the government changes with the tides; and its economic "lost decade" is now over 20 years old. Still, there is value in Japan, even if the index statistics suggest otherwise.
By Scot Blythe |September 16, 2011
5 min read
Market Insights
As sovereign debt problems in Europe and stagnant economic growth in America continue to dog the world economy, investors naturally turn to safer havens like precious metals for security. The price of gold has touched close to $1,900 but is still nowhere near its highest value when inflation is factored in.
By Don Sutton |September 15, 2011
Horizons has launched two new ETF this morning, both of which employ covered call strategies: The Horizons Enhanced Income US Equity (USD) ETF (trading as HEA.U) and the Horizons Enhanced Income International Equity ETF (trading as HEJ).
By Staff |September 14, 2011
Claymore Investments has launched the Claymore S&P US Dividend Growers ETF, available in both common and advisor class units, trading as CUD and CUD.A, respectively.
The recent financial crisis serves as a timely reminder of the substantial risk of investing in financial markets.
By Alexandre Hocquard, Sunny Ng and Nicolas Papageorgiou |September 14, 2011
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