Industry News

Challenge exam program expected to swell CLU ranks

(July 14, 2004) The number of advisors with the CLU designation could increase by as much as 1,000 as a result of a program that allows qualified candidates to obtain the mark by writing a single exam. The challenge exam program was launched in February. Since then, 1,100 advisors have signed up, says CLU Institute […]

By Doug Watt |July 14, 2004

3 min read

BMO bolsters presence in wealth market

(July 14, 2004) One of Canada’s biggest banks is bolstering its presence in the financial advice industry, launching a new in-branch practice aimed offering a suite of services to high net worth clients. “We believe high net worth individuals can benefit from having an individual take a central role in helping them to coordinate all […]

By Steven Lamb |July 14, 2004

3 min read


(July 16, 2004) Jovian Capital — the parent company of Rice Financial and T.E. Financial — has closed a deal to acquire Leon Frazer & Associates, one of the country’s oldest investment firms. Jovian’s subsidiary, Jovian Asset Management, purchased 76% of Leon Frazer’s outstanding common shares. The initial cash consideration for the acquisition is approximately […]

By Staff |July 13, 2004

3 min read

Canadians back in the market, study finds

(July 13, 2004) Canadian investors are back in the markets, returning to a record high percentage who own equities, according to the latest TSX Group Shareowners Study. “We have a strong equity culture in Canada,” said Barbara Stymiest, CEO of the TSX Group. “Canadians are informed investors who provide a strong base for our capital […]

By Steven Lamb |July 13, 2004

2 min read