Industry News

Investors mirror pollsters in election futures market

(July 8, 2004) Pollsters weren’t the only ones caught by surprise when the Liberal party won a larger than expected minority in last month’s federal election. The Shorcan Index Election Indicator — a futures market based on the popular vote percentage — also suggested a much tighter race. The Shorcan Index allowed accredited investors to […]

By Doug Watt |July 8, 2004

2 min read

Venture sector set to bounce back

(July 8, 2004) Venture capitalists are poised to start cashing in their positions, ending a three-year dry spell, as the economy improves according to David Ferguson, managing general partner of VenGrowth. In the late 1990s, venture capitalism was in a golden era. Deal sizes averaged over $24 million and venture capital (VC) firms were competing […]

By Steven Lamb |July 8, 2004

2 min read

Pension crisis overblown, survey suggests

(July 7, 2004) North America’s defined benefit pension (DB) plans are improving their financial positions, according to a new survey, and they should fare even better as interest rates rise. Toronto-based Dominion Bond Rating Service studied the DB plans of 296 North American companies in 16 industries. It found that although certain companies do have […]

By Doug Watt |July 7, 2004

2 min read

Study confirms oil’s impact on equities

(July 7, 2004) Canadians are all too aware of the effect oil prices have on everyday life. Life in a cold climate, an American style love-affair with cars and a massive resource sector can make the price of petroleum a hot topic. It might come as no surprise then, when academics find a correlation between […]

By Steven Lamb |July 7, 2004

3 min read