Industry News

Fund sub-advisors fight over shrinking market

(July 28, 2004) While their asset base has grown steadily throughout the market recovery, competition between mutual fund sub-advisors has become fierce, as fund companies seek to cut costs and move management in-house, according to a report from industry analysis group, Investor Economics. “Sub-advisory firms face ever tougher competition from their peers as the number […]

By Steven Lamb |July 28, 2004

3 min read

Ethical calls for mandatory proxy disclosure

(July 28, 2004) Mutual fund companies have a fiduciary obligation to disclose their proxy voting record to investors as a means to preventing corporate malfeasance, according to The Ethical Funds Company. The company, which made its name — literally — on socially responsible investing (SRI), is calling on securities regulators to make such disclosure a […]

By Staff |July 28, 2004

3 min read

Venture capitalists itching to invest

(July 27, 2004) Canadian venture capitalists (VCs) and private equity investors are eager to deploy their cash, if they can just find a promising business opportunity to fund, according to Deloitte’s Canadian Private Equity Outlook survey. The industry as a whole is flush with cash, following a period of slim pickings for quality investment opportunities […]

By Steven Lamb |July 27, 2004

3 min read

IFIC responds to rumours of OSC charges

(July 26, 2004) If the Ontario Securities Commission is planning on laying any charges in its probe of the mutual fund industry, it hasn’t mentioned it to the Investment Funds Institute of Canada (IFIC), according to the fund industry’s trade association. A report published in Friday’s National Post indicated the OSC was on the verge […]

By Steven Lamb |July 26, 2004

1 min read