Industry News

More value in Europe than Asia: Fund manager

(July 21, 2004) Investors seeking good value in today’s stock markets should cast an eye to Europe and the U.S., according to the manager of the AGF International Value Fund. “After a number of years of global disappointment, of global recession, we really are in a period right now when everything is starting to move […]

By Steven Lamb |July 21, 2004

4 min read

Japanese equity funds lead in first half

(July 20, 2004) After years of poor economic performance, Japan has topped the list of places to invest for the first six months of 2004, according to Morningstar Canada. The Morningstar Canada Japanese equity fund index was up 15.8% on a year-to-date basis, far surpassing the second-place European equity fund index, which gained 7.5% over […]

By Steven Lamb |July 20, 2004

2 min read

Reverse mortgage provider reacts to proposed new rules

The Ontario government’s recent proposal to impose tighter regulations on reverse mortgages is being welcomed by the country’s largest provider, the Canadian Home Income Plan (CHIP). At the same time, advisors have some words of warning about the loan product, noting that reverse mortgages are suitable for relatively few clients and should only be contemplated […]

By Doug Watt |July 20, 2004

3 min read


(July 23, 2004) Jovian Capital has completed a deal to acquire 50% of the outstanding shares of hedge fund specialist Pescara, first announced in April. Pescara manages a domestic and an offshore fund of funds. “Pescara is very well situated to take advantage of the growing demand for fund of fund products in the hedge […]

By Staff |July 19, 2004

9 min read