Industry News

Fund sales remain in a rut

(August 16, 2004) Canadian investors are not changing their tastes when it comes to mutual funds, as risk aversion appeared to remain high in July, according to the latest industry data from IFIC, which today reported net sales of $544 million. “It’s just a continuation of the trend — people shunning equity funds and favouring […]

By Steven Lamb |August 16, 2004

2 min read

Survey finds mixed feelings toward dealers

(August 13, 2004) While the banks have been making huge strides into the financial planning market, there are signs that bank-based advisors may not be any happier than their colleagues in the broader industry, according to an online survey conducted for In fact, they seem noticeably less happy with their dealers. The survey found […]

By Steven Lamb |August 13, 2004

2 min read

New China funds on the horizon

(August 12, 2004) The number of Canadian mutual funds dedicated to investing in China is about to rise. Both BMO and Manulife filed preliminary prospectuses for new China funds last month, says Morningstar Canada. The BMO Greater China Class will invest primarily in equity securities listed on stock exchanges in China, Hong Kong or Taiwan, […]

By Doug Watt |August 12, 2004

2 min read

Charitable foundations back in fashion

(August 12, 2004) Wealthy Canadians are increasingly looking for opportunities to give back to society and their financial advisors can be of great value in reaching their philanthropic goals. A survey conducted by Ipsos-Reid for Scotia Private Client Group found 73% of affluent Canadians see private philanthropy as increasingly vital, as social concerns are met […]

By Steven Lamb |August 12, 2004

3 min read