Estate Planning

Income splitting in the TFSA era

This Special Report is sponsored by: The practice of income splitting has been around for decades. Simply put, it’s the process of shifting income recognition from someone in a high tax bracket to someone in a low bracket. And, most often it’s carried out between spouses. With the implementation of the tax-free savings account […]

April 6, 2010

4 min read

Provinces crack down on aggressive tax planning

This Special Report is sponsored by: On the surface, inter-provincial tax planning appears pretty simple—clients should assume they’ll pay tax on any income or disposed assets based on the rates of the province they live in. But wealth management strategies tend to be more complex than that, especially if there are ways to avoid […]

By Kate McCaffery |April 6, 2010

4 min read

Step-by-step selling

It's in the advisor’s interest to provide assistance should an entrepreneur consider selling their business

By Mark Groulx |April 1, 2010

5 min read

For retirees, the cupboard is bare

For most retirees looking for a helping hand from the federal budget on Thursday, there was only one piece of good news: they likely won’t have to cope with any complex changes to their finances. In the spirit of belt-tightening, federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty had few bones to throw to seniors. Aside from a […]

By Steven Lamb |March 4, 2010

4 min read