Estate Planning

Get beneficiary designations right

Market uncertainty has pushed retail investors to look for yield rather than returns, which has made fixed income investing expensive and potentially risky.

By Daniel J. Dochylo |September 1, 2011

6 min read

Inter vivos trusts help minimize tax

Here’s how to use an inter vivos trust (a trust created while the donor is alive to hold property for the benefit of others – usually family members) for income splitting.

By Margaret O’Sullivan |September 1, 2011

4 min read

Five ways clients can avoid property hassles

Holding property jointly has long been called the “poor man’s will”—a way for a person to transfer wealth on death without spending the money to draw up proper documents. So, if a client is considering transferring property into joint ownership with a spouse or children, play devil’s advocate and explain the risks

By Barry Corbin |September 1, 2011

2 min read

Will estate taxes come back?

Read: André L’Espérance’s column Increasing estate value for the affluent Will estate taxes come back to Canada? They are certainly in the spotlight. The estate tax debate lurches back and forth in the U.S., as the legacy of the tax package enacted by the Bush administration in 2001 – with a sunset clause allowing the […]

By Scot Blythe |August 15, 2011

4 min read