
Do you have a brand?

(October 2007) Coca-Cola. Nike. McDonald’s. Even Joe Camel. All are recognizable, identifiable, and very powerful brands. Whether it’s a red can with a white swirl, a swoosh, a set of Golden Arches or a smoking, cartoon camel, each brand is the symbolic embodiment of a product or company. These brands elicit an emotional and sometimes […]

By Shawn O'Brien |October 4, 2007

5 min read

Exit planning: Doing your due diligence

Buying a practice or a book of business isn’t as simple as signing on the dotted line. If you want to make sure you’re getting the right deal, it’s mandatory that you conduct due diligence. But what exactly is due diligence and why does it need to be performed?

By Cindy Jenner Cowan |September 18, 2007

5 min read

The case for global dividends

The current catch phrase in the investment community has been to ‘go global’ but what is the best strategy to take your clients’ portfolios abroad? Stephen Way, portfolio manager of AGF Global Dividend Fund, makes the case for dividend-paying companies as well as what to look for in the global marketplace. To read the full […]

By Staff |September 13, 2007

1 min read

The Puf Principle

(September 2007) Psychologists say the single greatest need of a human being is to feel appreciated. Similarly, I suggest that your clients’ biggest need is to know that you care. The topsy-turvy markets of the past month have provided each of you with an immense opportunity to demonstrate this care. Many of our clients have […]

By Shawn O'Brien |August 28, 2007

3 min read