
West Coast cool

I recently got back from a few days in Vancouver. It was my first trip to the West Coast and I have to say I noticed some differences in the attitudes of the financial professionals with whom I sat down and talked shop. First and foremost, the absence of Bay Street bravado was refreshing. At […]

By Philip Porado |August 1, 2008

2 min read

The impending war for talent

(August 2008) In the war for talent, companies need to realize that the days of success using a traditional approach to recruiting are over, and attracting qualified applicants will require a strategic approach. In a webinar on Tuesday, Rich Kushner, vice-president of market strategy at Pittsburgh-based talent assessment firm Select International, had a stark warning […]

By Jody White |August 1, 2008

4 min read

First Person: Lessons from unsuccessful prospecting

(July 2008) I was delighted when a client referred his former colleague (I’ll call her Clara) to me. Not only was this a vote of confidence in our relationship, but Clara sounded like an ideal prospect for my business. Both her sociodemographic profile (late 40’s, self-employed, married to a professional, two high school–aged children) and […]

By Beverley Moir |July 23, 2008

3 min read

Employers’ duties to pension plan members

(July 2008) The financial services industry is familiar with the decline in the number of defined benefit pension plans in the private sector and the growth in the number of defined contribution plans. In many cases employers are abandoning defined benefit plans, primarily to place a cap on their contributions and reduce funding liabilities. Employees […]

By Richard Austin |July 22, 2008

2 min read