
Surround yourself with talented team members

Regardless of their length of time spent in business, their method of revenue generation or the type of services they offer, advisors generally have too much work to do and too little time. As we discussed in earlier columns, unusually successful advisors typically put two activities — business development and client relationship management — above […]

By Cindy Jenner Cowan |August 15, 2008

5 min read

Do-not-call: Links and resources

(August 2008) Do-not-call legislation was passed by the federal Liberal government in 2005, allowing the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to establish telemarketing rules and a national do-not-call registry. Throughout the process, industry groups Advocis, the Independent Financial Brokers of Canada, Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association and the Canadian Bankers Association participated in […]

By Deanne Gage |August 13, 2008

3 min read

The CRTC, your new regulator

(August 2008) If you think the CRTC’s do-not-call legislation won’t affect advisors, you could be in for a surprise when September 30 arrives. Calls to existing clients are exempt from the legislation if you’ve been in contact with these clients within 18 months, but calls to prospects and referrals are no longer fair game for […]

By Deanne Gage |August 13, 2008

7 min read

New rules! To call or not to call, that is the question

(August 2008) Cold-calling can be a very effective tool to find new clients and sell new products or services to current clients. Smaller financial institutions, dealers, agencies and their registered or licensed individuals, including those who act independently, often rely on telemarketing organizations. These companies or individuals provide technical resources and personnel to qualify leads […]

By Richard Austin |August 11, 2008

4 min read