
Don’t admit liability before the facts are in

In my car’s glovebox, along with a stash of Rolaids and fast food restaurant napkins (real men don’t carry Kleenex), I have a card from my insurance company, which explains what to do if I’m involved in a traffic accident. You probably have one too. Assuming you survive the crash, and have the presence of […]

By Harper Fraze |June 1, 2009

4 min read

The advantages of fee-for-service

In times like these, advisors need to focus on their clients, all of whom are asking, “What does this mean to me?” They’re wondering whether their fi nancial plans have been compromised and what they can do to mitigate any negative impact. Those of us who provide comprehensive fi nancial planning are in a unique […]

By Bernie Geiss |June 1, 2009

10 min read

Convert your practise to fee-based

In our rapidly evolving industry, with stiff competition from the banks and ever-increasing demands from clients (not to mention decreases in revenue brought on by the extended bear market), many fi nancial advisors have decided it makes good sense now to transition their practices to the fee model. Even though advisors understand the rationales, there […]

By Marc Lamontagne |June 1, 2009

7 min read

Help clients solve their "little" problems

The planning of this issue started with a series of conversations with fee advisors. All those chats circled back to a common theme: Times like these show the advantages of not having to earn commissions. That’s no dig at those who do opt for a commission structure. This business is all about choice, starting with […]

By Philip Porado |June 1, 2009

2 min read