
Conservative investments guide this advisor’s choices

Laurie Rafter started her career when she was all of 19—an administrative assistant to the very first female licensed broker in Canada. By 24, she was a full-fledged broker, defying convention not only by being among the very few women who stepped onto the investment turf back in the early ’80s, but also one of […]

By Kanupriya Vashisht |August 1, 2009

5 min read

Time to open up the NRD

About 10 years ago, when I still lived in the States, I got tired of a broker I’d been working with. He’d tried to argue with me about a couple of transactions I’d ordered: And seeing he was only registered as a BD and not an investment advisor, I concluded that wasn’t his job. Further, […]

By Philip Porado |August 1, 2009

3 min read

Upstart firm asks advisors for feedback

There are only a few new players in the Canadian mutual fund industry, and even fewer who’ve made an immediate impact. Since its inception—by a trio of former star fund managers—the industry has had its eye on upstart EdgePoint Investment Group. The firm’s founding partners and primary money managers, Tye Bousada and Geoff MacDonald, could […]

By Mark Noble |August 1, 2009

12 min read

Evolving client interactions

I was listening to some old U2 tracks and thinking how much their sound has changed over the years. This got me thinking about how some of my other favourite bands have evolved over time, to the point where their early work is almost unrecognizable from their current material. I then started to think about […]

By Keith Pangretitsch |July 21, 2009

4 min read