
Younger advisors will trade income prospects for stability

Whether you’re growing a financial planning practice, a branch office you own, a corporate- owned branch or a financial planning firm, the ability to recruit high-quality associates is a key component of success. A model of recruiting and business building that’s not frequently discussed is the salaried run financial planning practice. With the average age […]

By David Velanoff |October 1, 2009

6 min read

Attract the best to build your team

Chances are, the next time you’re looking for a talented team member for your practice, you won’t rent out an auditorium, take your seat in the judge’s chair and wince your way through dozens of bad acts in the hope of finding one exceptional star. But even if your interview process doesn’t make for ratings-grabbing […]

By Alison MacAlpine |October 1, 2009

9 min read

The tip of the iceberg is what matters

Recently I worked with an advisor who was redoing his client brochure and web site. His goal was to provide clients and prospects with an outline of what value he brings through his practice. “I want them to know that I have a lot of experience and that I have a thorough and systematic approach […]

By Barry LaValley |October 1, 2009

4 min read

Advisors must help clients deal with debt

I’ve made debt reduction strategy a very important part of my practice. I’m often overheard at industry events rambling on about my clients and their debt loads, and some think I’m barking up the wrong tree. If I had a dollar for every advisor who told me, “I work with high net worth clients. They […]

By Stephanie Holmes-Winton |September 23, 2009

4 min read