
Experts discuss risk – Part One

Clients witnessed risk in action in 2008, but have these lessons lingered? Risk is a layered concept. Although individual investors—even high net worth clients—acknowledge their balance sheets, do they truly recognize the forces behind them or even their own risk thresholds?

By Terri Goveia |January 26, 2011

8 min read

YOU need a social media strategy, not your business

In the late 1990s, legendary management consultant Tom Peters had a prescient idea. No longer would business be dominated by established mega-brands. The future would be dominated, trumpeted Peters, by The Brand Called You.

By Jay Palter |January 26, 2011

2 min read

Advisors make the CFP grade

According to the results of the first ever Financial Planning Examination, financial advisors really know their stuff. Of the 455 advisors who wrote the Level 1 exam, 346 passed (76%).

By John Powell |January 25, 2011

1 min read

Fee vs. commission not clear cut

Establishing the compensation model for services rendered amounts to one of the most difficult decisions for members of any profession and normally flows from client preferences, the professional’s needs and his or her perceptions of the market. The professional needs adequate compensation while the client may or may not grasp the value of services rendered. […]

By Al Emid |January 25, 2011

3 min read