
Profitable 2011 resolutions

More and more clients are expecting advisors to add value to their relationship. As much as we think picking investment “ABC” over “XYZ’ is adding value, it just isn’t enough especially when markets tank. We as advisors have to include more not to be viewed as simply “investment salespersons".

By Robert Abboud |January 6, 2011

3 min read

Give clients a real choice

Advisors generally do a good job in helping their clients make smart decisions with their money. Most try to help clients obtain a meaningful understanding of capital markets. Most try to make reasonably suitable recommendations. These advisors will diversify between equity and income, value and growth, small cap, large cap and a number of other ways, too.

By John J. De Goey |January 4, 2011

3 min read

A winning educational savings plan

Meaningful financial planning eludes many Canadians, especially when it comes to a sound plan for their children’s education.

By Douglas Lamb |January 1, 2011

3 min read

Income solutions for everyone

The divide used to be fairly clear: Equities for the young ’uns, income solutions for retired folks. The mere mention of the word “dividend” to a pre-retiree sitting across your desk might have drawn stares.

By Michelle Patey |January 1, 2011

10 min read