
A numbers game

Another week goes by and you haven’t drummed up new client leads. You’re satisfied with the number of clients you have, but managing your business is getting stressful. The most worrisome thing? Despite being busy, you’re not hitting your revenue targets. There’s a question nagging in your mind: How will I find the time to take on more clients to reach my goals?

By Leigh Doyle |February 18, 2011

8 min read

Leadership, growth in China

In December 2010, CSI Global Education conferred its wealth management designation, the Chartered Strategic Wealth Professional (CSWP), to the first cohort of financial advisors from China. Twenty-five financial professionals from Guangfa Securities, one of the largest Securities firms in China, were awarded the CSWP designation at the graduation ceremony in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, hosted by Guangfa Securities and CSI.

By Dr. Roberta Wilton |February 18, 2011

4 min read

Dealing with financial windfalls

Becoming the lead advisor to a recipient of a financial windfall can be one of the most exciting and professionally satisfying engagements of your career. But the role often demands a broader approach and keener sensitivity than is required in most client relationships.

By Stanley M. Tepner |February 15, 2011

9 min read

Easy ways to enhance your business

I really did plan to eat healthier this year but after hanging out at my friend’s party a few weeks ago, I realized it’s tough to change your ways when hot wings, beer, chips and pizza keep calling your name — followed by the eventual moan from heartburn.

By Keith Pangertitsch |February 15, 2011

6 min read