
Getting couples on track

Whether fresh off their honeymoon or yoked for years, the two people in a couple are bound to differ in their financial views and goals. Your job — helping them steer through financial landmines—is not for the faint of heart.

By Gabrielle Bauer |May 1, 2011

10 min read

The impact of culture on communication

Do cultural biases have an impact on the decisions your clients make about their retirement savings? “Of course,” says Chad Lewis, founder of Boston-based Intercultural Focus. Culture is something advisors need to keep in mind not only in hen developing a financial plan, but in explaining it to the client as well. Lewis was the […]

By April Scott-Clarke |April 27, 2011

3 min read

Avoiding a social media lawsuit

Having a bad day at work? That FaceBook rant or Twitter post that allowed you to blow off some steam could land you in hot water or worse, you could wind up in court. Statements posted online that negatively impact the reputation or image of another person, business or product, may be considered defamation. The author of such a posting could face legal action especially if they used assets at work – a laptop computer, a desktop computer or a cell phone – to do so.

By John Powell |April 26, 2011

3 min read

Dollars & Sense Survey 2011

For this year’s Dollars & Sense special report, we’re doing more than top-line analysis of the survey data

By Staff |April 21, 2011

4 min read