
MFDA makes findings against Patricia Cuthbert

A disciplinary hearing in the matter of Patricia Marva Cuthbert was held yesterday in Vancouver, British Columbia before a three-person hearing panel of the MFDA’s Pacific Regional Council. The hearing panel found that all of the allegations set out in the Notice of Hearing dated November 23, 2010 against the respondent had been established, but […]

By Staff |April 6, 2011

1 min read

Investors fail to spot excessive claims

Your clients may think they are relatively savvy investors, but a new survey suggests that Canadians are not very good at spotting “too good to be true” offers. The survey was conducted by the AMF, Quebec’s securities regulator, and found that 78% of Quebecers felt they were relatively immune from fraud. But when asked their […]

By Staff |April 5, 2011

1 min read

The future of distribution

What are the forces at play in the Distribution industry? Does the MFDA, and the distribution model it oversees, have a future?

By Dean DiSpalatro |April 1, 2011

9 min read

The greatest gift

Anne Brayley, vice president, Professional Advisory Services at the Toronto Community Foundation, speaks with Gwen Harvey, founder and president of Bridgewater Family Wealth Services, about family philanthropy.

By Anne Brayley |April 1, 2011

3 min read