
The professional way to get paid

Let’s face it, the ongoing discussion about the relative merits of differing compensation models is one of the defining issues of our generation for our industry. The four basic options include: by salary, by the hour, by assets and by commission. There’s obviously room to mix and match and to use hybrid models, as well. Any conversation about this topic requires the requisite disclaimer of ‘it’s a free country’ and ‘you can use any compensation model you want’, of course.

By John De Goey |September 15, 2011

3 min read

Your clients hate winter

People are more risk-averse in winter than summer, says a new study.

By Melissa Shin |September 15, 2011

2 min read

Get the most for your laid-off clients

When a client’s job security is on shaky ground, an advisor has to be prepared. This means helping their client get the best possible severance package and making sure they have enough money to safely tread water while searching for a new job.

By Jonathan Linds |September 14, 2011

4 min read

What’s your practice worth: Advisor Audio

Listen and learn. At the Advisor Group’s 2011 Distributors' Summit, Cameron Jacox and James Hilton, Managing Partners, Jacox-Hilton Producer Consulting, discussed how MGA owners can determine the value of their operation for both succession and sales purposes.

By Staff |September 14, 2011

1 min read