
Back to School: A guide to advisor education

The number of new advisors is growing, but as boomer advisors retire, the replacement rate may stall

By Staff |September 30, 2011

3 min read

Five years in, how are Seneca grads faring?

In 2006, Ontario's Seneca College launched its Financial Services Practitioner Program. From a small beginning—the study body was in single digits in the first year—the program has grown to produce a growing number of financial advisors.

By S.E. Gordon |September 28, 2011

4 min read

Make way for the Millennials

Today's young advisors aren’t just incredibly tech-savvy, they’re also are a generation of academic super-achievers, aggressively pursuing education and credentials to overcome the age biases of their clients and their firms.

By Kanupriya Vashisht |September 28, 2011

7 min read

When to cull advisors: Advisor Audio

Listen and learn. At Advisor Group’s 2011 Distributors' Summit, Kevin Cott, CEO, Qualified Financial Services, Toronto, discussed the topic of culling advisors who offer little business and do a better job for those who write big tickets.

By Staff |September 27, 2011

1 min read