
Tech start-ups struggling

Since Facebook’s flop this spring, the tech IPO market has collapsed. By June, not a single company had ventured to go public, compared to 19 IPOs posted by June of last year. Instead, as many as 14 offerings were withdrawn or delayed, says Dealogic. These included Tria Beauty, maker of laser hair removal devices, and […]

August 23, 2012

3 min read

Beware the group RESP

A Toronto couple was dealing with the death of their one-year-old daughter when they were hit with yet more shocking news; the group RESP they’d invested in for her would only refund 10% of their money.

By Staff |August 22, 2012

1 min read

Charm wealthy prospects

You’ve heard about a successful person who could be a great prospect. You attend a party and see her across the room. This is your big opportunity. Now what?

By Bryce Sanders |August 20, 2012

3 min read

How to name your hedge fund

Having trouble coming up with your company or fund name? If you’re looking for some suggestions, why not try out the hedge fund name generator (yes, it’s a real tool). It spits out random three-word combinations, which end with terms such as capital, partners, trust, and associates, among others. And some of them aren’t bad; […]

August 17, 2012

1 min read