
Avoid the rich man’s payday loan

Do your clients take out payday loans? Probably not. But many of your wealthy clients might be applying for something even more dangerous—an overdraft.

By Stephanie Holmes-Winton |August 2, 2012

2 min read

Sales rep fined for unauthorized online trading

The MFDA approved a settlement hearing in the matter of Ahsan Hanif Ladha, a former mutual fund salesperson at TD Investment Services. He admitted that between June 2009 and June 2010, he engaged in unauthorized online securities trading. As stated in the agreement, in two separate cases Ladha obtained client passwords and personally conducted their […]

By Staff |August 1, 2012

1 min read

Companies demand social media ROI

Marketers are increasingly required to justify social campaigns and marketing budgets with ROI data, says Parta Dialogue, a global social media solutions company. It recently netted two new global customers for its eValue social media ROI suite, having seen it grow progressively over 2012. This year, over half (62%) of marketers indicated that proving investment […]

July 31, 2012

1 min read

Apple doesn’t need to buy Twitter

Twitter is smaller than online giants Google and Facebook, but the little social media engine expects to generate at least US$1-billion in sales in 2014, reports Financial Post. It says EMarketer researchers predict Twitter advertising sales—which account for almost all its revenue—will rise to US$540-million in 2014, up from US$139.5-million last year. Read: Engage clients […]

By Wire services |July 31, 2012

3 min read