
Small businesses struggling

Small businesses are facing challenges when it comes to growth and attracting new clients. “As the digital and social media world continues to evolve, it can be overwhelming to traditional business owners,” says Athena Varmazis, vice president and general manager, small business services, American Express Canada. Read: Help small businesses through big issues Despite retaining […]

By Staff |September 10, 2012

1 min read

Zuckerberg: Media mogul turned comic hero

Mark Zuckerberg is not only famous in the world of social media, he’s also one of the up-and-coming stars of the comic universe.

September 7, 2012

2 min read

UK official connects with Twitter followers

Britain's Foreign Secretary William Hague is taking social media networking to new heights by meeting his followers.

By Staff |September 7, 2012

1 min read

Canadians aren’t saving enough

Fewer Canadians are living pay cheque-to-pay cheque (47% versus 57% last year), finds Canadian Payroll Association (CPA). And in 2012, 66% were able to increase their savings, up from 40%. Read: Half of Canadians don’t have emergency savings: CIBC But although more people are saving, the rate of savings remains low. Almost half (46%) are […]

By Staff |September 6, 2012

1 min read