
Replacement for RHU rolled out

As the drive for accreditation ramps up, advisors wanting to add more letters to their business cards now have another option. The Institute for Advanced Financial Education will offer the Certified Health Insurance Specialist (CHS) designation starting September 1, 2011. This new designation is meant for advisors looking to specialize in the field of living […]

By Melissa Shin |June 1, 2011

1 min read

Why financial literacy matters

The first quote is from a report prepared by Professor Saul Schwartz of Carleton University for the Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP).

By Peter Drake |May 31, 2011

6 min read

Mackenzie boosts fixed-income expertise

Effective June 1, Mackenzie Investments adds Putnam Investments as sub-advisor to several Mackenzie high-yield corporate bond funds. Putnam will assume portfolio management responsibilities for Mackenzie Sentinel Corporate Bond Fund, Mackenzie Sentinel North American Corporate Bond Class and Mackenzie Sentinel Registered North American Corporate Bond Fund, as well as becoming one of the managers on the […]

By Staff |May 31, 2011

1 min read

Retirees offer advice for boomers

Canadian retirees are largely happy with the way their post-career lives are working out, but they admit they wish they'd received more advice before they stopped working. Now they're offering the advice they wish they'd gotten.

By Staff |May 31, 2011

2 min read