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Market Insights
ETFs can be simple, flexible replacements for mutual funds, thanks to their ease of trading. But they may not always be appropriate for mining particular sectors.
By Scot Blythe |May 24, 2011
4 min read
NexJ Systems Inc., a leading provider of enterprise private cloud software, today announced that Investors Group completed its rollout of NexJ Contact for Finance to deliver an Integrated Desktop to its consultants. The Investor’s Group Integrated Desktop offers consultants a contact-centric hub where they can log and view all client and prospect interactions, and provides […]
By Staff |May 24, 2011
1 min read
Moody's Investors Service on Tuesday said it placed the ratings of 14 of the 18 British financial institutions for a possible downgrade. This could lead to a hike in banks' borrowing costs.
By Vikram Barhat |May 24, 2011
2 min read
Commodities markets have been plagued with volatility over the past few months. A tactical move, say experts, would be to peel off commodity exposure and reallocate funds to high yield bonds. “It makes sense to pare back some exposure to commodities,” says Alfred Lee, vice-president and investment strategist, BMO Asset Management. “Over the course of […]
By Vikram Barhat |May 20, 2011
Invesco Trimark has announced it will streamline its fund lineup, resulting in 10 fund mergers, a handful of name changes and series re-designations, and the termination of Series T4, T6 and T8 of Invesco Canadian Equity Private Pool “We have proposed these improvements to our fund lineup with the best interests of investors in mind,” […]
By Staff |May 20, 2011
3 min read
That dream home your clients thought was within reach has been pushed a little higher again. With the national economy turning a corner, the majority of Canadian markets experienced weakened home affordability in the first quarter of 2011, according to the latest Housing Trends and Affordability study by RBC Economics. Rising ownership cost and falling […]
Reader alert: Look for an analysis of covered bonds in the June edition of Advisor’s Edge Report. Fulfilling a promise made in the March 2010 budget, the Department of Finance has published a consultation paper that proposes a legislative framework for Federally Regulated Financial Institution (FRFI) to issue covered bonds. Covered bonds are debt securities […]
May 20, 2011
While governments in industrialised economies are taking a softly-softly-catchee-monkey approach to monetary tightening, those in emerging markets have been more aggressive and have been able to successfully stymie inflation.
By Vikram Barhat |May 19, 2011
There is a general assumption in the financial industry that investor sophistication increases along with net worth. But a recent survey by Brandes Investment Partners finds affluent investors fall into same home bias trap as everyone else. The firm’s Global Investing Study, found that Canadians with more than $250,000 in investable assets hold, on average, […]
By Staff |May 19, 2011
A hearing panel of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) has accepted a settlement agreement, with sanctions, between IIROC staff and Konstantinos Georgeos Arapis. With this agreement, Arapis admits that he had clients participate in an off-book transaction and that he failed to ensure that certain trades were within the bounds of good […]
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