
Five forces affecting your client’s portfolio

Soaring debt levels in advanced economies, overheating emerging markets and strict capital controls are among the global economic and financial challenges faced by financial planners, according to Thomas Hockin, executive director, International Monetary Fund, speaking at the CIFPs 9th Annual National Conference-2011, in Ottawa. “We’ve had 22 financial crises since 1945; financial crisis is the […]

By Vikram Barhat |June 8, 2011

3 min read

Recession was easy, recovery will be tough

Canada managed to navigate its way through the Great Recession of 2008 without much damage, but the time for self-congratulation may be over. There are a number of hazards on the horizon, including the withdrawal of government stimulus, rising interest rates and the stubbornly strong loonie is stifling exports. Canada—indeed, the world—still has some challenges […]

By Vikram Barhat |June 8, 2011

4 min read

State Street launching app

State Street Corporation today announced a new mobile application for the iPad, State Street SpringboardSM, which will be available in the Apple App Store this fall.

By Staff |June 7, 2011

2 min read

HSBC closing climate change fund

HSBC Global Asset Management (Canada) Limited has announced that it will close and wind up the HSBC Global Climate Change Fund on or around 19 August 2011. Effectively immediately, new investments into the fund will no longer be accepted. The decision to close the fund was based on the small fund size and relatively small […]

By Staff |June 6, 2011

1 min read