
Fed extends “free money” policy

Remember when the U.S. Federal Reserve set the market ablaze with the forecast that it would not to raise rates before mid-2013? Well, now the Fed is extending that outlook a little further, to late 2014.

By Staff |January 25, 2012

2 min read

Expect better returns from the oilpatch

This year will be much kinder to energy investors than 2011 for oil and gas, according to a panel of sector specialists.

By Jacqueline Louie |January 25, 2012

4 min read

Canadians more optimistic than Americans

You can probably chalk it up to whether or not your financial market imploded, but Canadians are apparently twice as likely as Americans to view the present as a good time to make investments.

By Staff |January 25, 2012

2 min read

Expect slower, more sustainable growth

While the rest of the world’s central banks have been fighting deflation, those in Asia have been fighting inflation. Now, it appears the battle has been won.

By Staff |January 24, 2012

2 min read