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Market Insights
Active managers were back on top in the final quarter of 2011, as 76% of large cap managers outperformed the S&P/TSX Composite Index, according to the latest Russell Active Manager Report.
By Staff |February 1, 2012
2 min read
A constant stream of scary global microeconomic cues has created unprecedented risk aversion among investors who are now playing for capital preservation rather than capital gain.
By Vikram Barhat |February 1, 2012
While there won’t be much of a pick-up in U.S. growth in the near future, the American economy is not falling apart. There's no better time to bet back into equities, says Paul Quinsee, CIO at JP Morgan Asset Management.
February 1, 2012
3 min read
Scientific and technical instruments sector trending up.
By Chip Brian |February 1, 2012
Canada’s banking regulators are putting the screws to lending practices they see as risky—particularly in the bubble condo markets that are forming in Toronto and Vancouver. And that's a good thing.
By Philip Porado |February 1, 2012
Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, it turns out fundamental indexing is active management marketed as indexing, and carries the added risks and higher costs of active management.
By Atul Tiwari |February 1, 2012
Investors in water-stressed locations or sectors must be mindful of exposure to related risks
By Doug Watt |February 1, 2012
XTF Capital, the exchange traded fund division of First Asset, has announced plans to launch seven new ETFs based on the Morningstar research.
By Staff |January 31, 2012
1 min read
Melissa Shin, managing editor of Advisor's Edge and Advisor's Edge Report, has been reporting live from IMCA’s 2012 New York Consultants Conference. The conference has closed, but you can still read her coverage below.
64 min read
Having tasted cheap liquidity in December, the now-not-so-shy European banks are champing at the bit to grab twice as much of the ECB’s second emergency funding supply on February 29.
By Vikram Barhat |January 31, 2012
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